Brunch Bunch
Everyone is invited to join us for a delightful time of fellowship at Brunch Bunch! Once a month, after worship, we gather at a local restaurant to share a meal and connect with one another. The location varies, so be sure to check the Weekly Eblast or listen for announcements during the worship service for the latest details. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to build relationships within our church family! To stay informed, you can sign up for the Weekly Eblast here.

Coffee & Cookies
On the first Sunday of the month, join us for a Coffee & Cookies fellowship. It’s a warm and casual time to enjoy refreshments and catch up with friends, both old and new. Stay connected by signing up for the Weekly Eblast here.
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20
Men's Breakfast Club
All men are invited to a monthly breakfast of prayer and fellowship. Please refer to the eNewsletter for details of date, location and time.
Social Events
There are social gatherings throughout the year including holiday luncheons, potlucks and special occasion dinners. Please refer to the eNewsletter for more information.